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About Rita

Rita is an entrepreneur, financial intelligence expert, motivational speaker and radio & TV host who is passionately committed to leading women in business to achieve financial peace of mind by transforming money conversations, developing a positive money relationship by expanding their financial knowledge to gain the success they dream of.

Rita's curiosity about the differences between those who had enough financially and those who did not started at an early age. After multiple financial losses,  she studied finances and wealth with the industry masters. Learning from these life lessons her mission and commitment is to lead and inspire by educating and empowering women to achieve financial independence by getting to the core issues on how women relate to money along with teaching practical strategies.

Rita currently works with women who desire to take charge of their financial future, expand their knowledge, and build their confidence regarding money and wealth.  She leads a community where women learn to feel great about money through workshops and programs to transform how you think, plan, interact and live out a successful financial life!


Rita & Her Passion...

Our co-host, Rita Bocuzzi, whose parents and husband were born in Conversano Puglia, Italy has consciously kept a connection with her Italian roots and visits her family regularly.

Rita started her quest of financial empowerment two decades ago. As a child, she was always curious about what the difference was between those who were financially secure and those who were not. After she purchased her first real estate property in her twenties, her curiosity grew so she started to read more about financial success. She had lots of ideas, but no clear direction. As she was raising her children, her desire to create a legacy for her sons grew. She had a strong belief that in order to empower her kids and future generations to achieve financial independence, she needed to create a model to achieve those financial shifts.

Her desire is to change the world, one person, one family at a time. Empowering them to control their own economy before it controls them. At her local library, she listened to audio courses by world renowned financial and business authorities. She spent tens of thousands of dollars on Real Estate Investing strategies, and Wealth Building courses. Her goal was to surround herself with people that were financially successful and knew how to teach building financial wealth.

Several years ago, her world fell apart at the seams, when she was diagnosed with Cancer. Rita didn’t want other people to experience a life changing event, without being prepared. She learned hard lessons about the financial impact that illness puts on a family. After having experienced plummeting into debt, she bounced back with a direction for her mission and life purpose.

She became passionately committed to guiding women and men to achieve financial peace of mind. Her clients today experience transformation with authentic money conversations. Releasing money confusion, developing a positive relationship with money, expanding their financial knowledge and elevating their confidence regarding money and wealth.

She is a proven professional and motivational speaker, who takes away concerns that stand in the way of lasting financial success.

She creates amazing fun experiences around money, leading Wine, Women & Wealth events and Money 101 educational workshops. These are supportive communities that she launched in Southern California. Rita is CEO of Flourish Inc. and has partnered with Five Rings Financial. She educates through her heartfelt mission to elevate the way you think, plan, and interact around money.

Today, as a financial literacy expert, author and motivational speaker, Rita gives you the knowledge to stop your worries about outliving your money and not having enough for retirement. She has been recognized by Christian Trinity University for her motivational speaking and nominated as a Rising Star by the Los Angeles Business Journal. She believes that now is the time to revolutionize how we define our wealth.


Rita is a Board Member of the Bloom Again Foundation

Established in 2008 by Dr. Lois Frankel, President of Corporate Coaching International and bestselling author, Bloom Again Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that supports economically vulnerable working women when they encounter medical challenges.